Friday, October 16, 2009


So for Advanced composition and literature class i had to write a poem copying the style of another poet. It's not very good, considering Its the first time I've attempted to replicate another's style, but I thought you'd enjoy it anyway. Here 'tis!

(this is the one I was copying, its called "From Troiluss and Cressida")

"Can life be a blessing,
Or worth the possessing,
Can life be a blessing if love were away?
Ah no! though our love all night keep us waking,
And though he torment us with cares all the day,
Yet he sweetens, he sweetens our pains in the taking,
There's an hour at the last, there's an hour to repay."

-John Dryden

(And this is the one I wrote. Compare the two and see if you can find any similarities, such as rhyme schemes, tone, and theme.)

Is it yet possible,
Or even plausible,
That I could possibly plausibly depart?
Still not! For I could never leave this place,
Until you finally decide to believe,
That the only way, the only way to his grace,
Is by thorny crown and cross, the lasting gift to receive

For those who are wondering, I finished the narrative I was writing a while back. I'm not sure if any of you would want to read it or not (since it is quite lengthy), but if you do decide to start it, please make sure you do so at a time where you can read the entire piece without skimming or interruption. I will post it later tonight.


~An Ordinary


  1. Rhyme scheme, check. Tone, check. (Is it? NO! But this.)
    You know what's really hard? Getting all that down AND the person's metre. If you're really up for a challenge someday, give that a whirl. (Pick somebody easy for starts.)

    Out of curiousity, have you ever read "The Highwayman" by Alfred Noyes? Fantastic poem!

  2. I like both poems. Just something I noticed in his poem that you didn't include in your's - he used ironic statements ("And though he torment us with cares all the day"); might want to include that in :)
